Creating and Using COM Objects .NET

A Comprehensive Guide to Building, Registering, and Integrating COM Components with VBA for Enhanced Office Automation


In this post, we’ll explore how to create a COM object in .NET, register it, and use it within a VBA environment. This tutorial is perfect for developers looking to integrate .NET functionalities into applications like Microsoft Word or Excel. We’ll start by setting up the right project type and framework version in Visual Studio. If you’d like to follow along with the code or explore the implementation in more detail, you can find the entire C# package, along with the DOCM file and corresponding VBA code, in our GitHub repository.

What is a COM Object?

COM, which stands for Component Object Model, is a Microsoft technology that allows software components to communicate with each other. COM objects are the building blocks of many Windows applications, enabling them to expose their functionality in a way that can be used by other applications, even if those applications are written in different programming languages.

  • Interoperability: COM objects provide a standard way for different software components to interact. For instance, a COM object created in C++ can be used in a VBA script, or a .NET application can consume a COM object created in another language.

  • Language Agnostic: One of the key features of COM is that it’s language-independent. This means that a COM object can be created in one language (like C# in .NET) and then accessed from another language (like VBScript or VBA).

  • Binary Standard: COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components, meaning that as long as components adhere to this standard, they can interact seamlessly, regardless of the languages used to create them.

  • DLLs and Type Libraries: When you create a COM object in .NET, you’re primarily working with two key files:

    • DLL (Dynamic Link Library): This is the compiled code that implements the COM object. It contains the actual functionality that can be invoked by other applications.
    • Type Library (TLB): The Type Library is a binary file that describes the interfaces, classes, and other types exposed by the COM object. It’s used by COM clients, like VBA, to understand how to interact with the COM object.
  • Wide Use in Windows: COM has been widely used in Windows for creating reusable components, such as ActiveX controls, and for enabling applications like Microsoft Office to be automated or extended by other applications or scripts.

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

The first step in creating a COM object is to set up a Class Library project in Visual Studio.

Class Library (.NET Framework)

Why Choose a Class Library?

The Class Library project type is specifically designed to create reusable components in the form of DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries). Here’s why it’s the best choice for our COM object:

  • COM Interop: When creating a COM object for use in VBA or other COM-aware applications, targeting the .NET Framework through a Class Library project is the best choice. It provides built-in support for defining interfaces and classes that can be exposed to COM clients like VBA.
  • Maturity and Stability: Just like the .NET Framework itself, the Class Library project type is a mature and well-supported option, ensuring long-term stability.
  • Widespread Use: Many existing applications, especially those built on Windows, are still dependent on the .NET Framework. By choosing a Class Library, we ensure that our library can be easily integrated into these environments.

Configuring a New Project in Visual Studio for COM Integration

When starting a new project that involves creating and using COM objects in .NET, it’s essential to configure your environment properly from the outset. Here’s how to set up your project using Visual Studio, focusing on selecting the appropriate framework and configuring your solution.

Configurating a New Project

Step 1: Project Name and Location

  • Project Name: Choose a meaningful name that reflects the purpose of your project. In this case, we’ve chosen EnhancedTextSaverLib to indicate that the library will handle saving notes, likely interacting with other applications through COM.
  • Location: Select a directory where your project files will be stored. Organize your codebase by placing it in a designated folder, such as C:\Code.

Step 2: Solution Configuration

  • Create New Solution: Ensure that you’re starting with a clean slate by creating a new solution. This keeps your project organized and separate from other projects.
  • Solution Name: The solution name typically matches the project name but can be adjusted if you’re working on a larger system with multiple projects.
  • Place Solution and Project in the Same Directory: If your project is self-contained, you may want to place the solution and project files in the same directory. This simplifies file management.

Step 3: Framework Selection

  • Choose .NET Framework 4.8:
    • Maturity and Stability: .NET Framework 4.8 is a proven platform, ideal for enterprise-level applications.
    • Compatibility: This version ensures seamless operation across a wide range of Windows environments, especially in scenarios where upgrading to .NET Core or newer .NET versions isn’t an option.
    • COM Integration: For projects involving COM interop, such as integrating with Microsoft Office, .NET Framework 4.8 provides robust support, ensuring that your .NET components behave like traditional COM objects.

Finalizing the Configuration

  • Click ‘Create’: Once everything is set, proceed by clicking the ‘Create’ button. Visual Studio will scaffold your new project, setting up the necessary files and directories based on the chosen configurations.

Exploring the Visual Studio Application Settings Page

When working on a project in Visual Studio, the “Application” settings page is one of the first places you’ll visit to configure essential aspects of your application. Whether you’re building a simple console app, a complex web application, or, as in our case, a class library, understanding these settings is crucial for setting up your project correctly.

How to Access the Application Settings Page

To access the Application settings page:

  1. Open Solution Explorer: If it’s not already open, you can access Solution Explorer by going to View > Solution Explorer.

  2. Select Your Project: In Solution Explorer, right-click on your project (e.g., EnhancedTextWriter) and select Properties from the context menu.

  3. Navigate to the Application Tab: Once in the Properties window, the Application settings page is typically the first tab on the left-hand side. Click on Application to access the settings.

Visual Studio Application Settings

1. Assembly Name

The Assembly Name is the name that will be given to the output file of your project. If you’re building a class library, this will typically be a .dll file. For example, if you set the assembly name to EnhancedTextSaverLib, the output will be EnhancedTextSaverLib.dll when you build the project.

  • Why It Matters:
    • The assembly name is how your file will be identified in the filesystem.
    • It is crucial when the file is referenced by other projects or applications.
    • A descriptive name helps indicate the library or executable’s purpose.

2. Default Namespace

The Default Namespace is the root namespace for all classes in your project. This namespace is automatically applied to any new classes you create unless you specify a different namespace.

  • Example:
    • If your default namespace is set to EnhancedTextSaverLib, any new class you create will belong to this namespace unless otherwise specified.
    • This keeps your project organized and helps avoid naming conflicts.

3. Target Framework

The Target Framework specifies the version of the .NET Framework that your project is built against. This determines which libraries and runtime your application can use.

  • Why .NET Framework 4.8?
    • It’s the latest and last major release of the .NET Framework.
    • It is stable, mature, and widely compatible with various Windows operating systems.
    • It’s an excellent choice for building reusable libraries like our EnhancedTextSaverLib.

4. Output Type

The Output Type defines the type of application you are building. Options include Console Application, Windows Application, and Class Library.

  • Class Library:
    • This output type means the project will compile into a .dll file.
    • This .dll can be referenced by other projects, allowing them to use the functionality defined in your library.

5. Auto-generate Binding Redirects

Binding Redirects help resolve conflicts when multiple versions of an assembly are present. If you have different versions of the same library being used across your project, binding redirects ensure that the correct version is loaded at runtime.

  • Automatic Management:
    • By checking the Auto-generate Binding Redirects option, Visual Studio will automatically handle these redirects for you.
    • This prevents potential version conflicts and ensures smooth operation of your application.

6. Startup Object

The Startup Object specifies the entry point for your application, typically the Main method in a Console or Windows application. However, since class libraries don’t have an entry point, this is usually left as (Not set).

  • No Entry Point Needed:
    • In our class library, we don’t need a startup object, so this setting remains (Not set).

7. Assembly Information

The Assembly Information button opens a dialog where you can provide additional metadata about your assembly.

Assembly Information

This information includes:

  • Title: This could be something like “Enhanced File Saver Library.”
  • Description: A brief summary, such as “A library for saving text from Word documents.”
  • Company: You can enter your company name or your own name if this is a personal project.
  • Product: This might be the same as the title or something more descriptive.
  • Copyright: Enter the year and your name or company name.
  • Trademark: Optional, but you can enter any relevant trademark information here.
  • Assembly Version: Start with “” and increment as you release updates.
  • File Version: Typically the same as the Assembly Version, but it can differ if you need to track file-level changes separately.

After filling in these fields, your Assembly Information screen might look something like this:

Assembly Information Filled

Make Assembly COM-Visible

One important option you’ll see in the Assembly Information window is the Make assembly COM-Visible checkbox.

What Does It Do?

Checking the Make assembly COM-Visible option exposes the types within your assembly to COM (Component Object Model) clients, such as VBA or other COM-based environments. By enabling this option, you’re making it possible for other applications that support COM (like Microsoft Word, Excel, or even other custom applications) to access the classes and methods in your .NET assembly.

  • When to Use It: You should check this option when you intend to use your .NET assembly as a COM object that needs to be accessible from environments like VBA or any other COM-based scripting languages.

  • How It Works: When this option is enabled, Visual Studio will add the necessary metadata to your assembly to ensure that the types marked with [ComVisible(true)] can be accessed by COM clients.

Assembly Information in Code

If you prefer to manage your assembly information directly in code, Visual Studio generates an AssemblyInfo.cs file containing all the attributes you set in the Assembly Information window. Here’s what that might look like:

AssemblyInfo Code View

As shown in the code above, the AssemblyInfo.cs file defines various assembly attributes, including making the assembly COM-visible by setting [assembly: ComVisible(true)].

Backend Considerations

Making your assembly COM-visible involves more than just toggling a setting. There are a few key steps and concepts that are important to understand, especially when it comes to exposing specific classes and interfaces to COM clients.

  • Type Exposure:

    • You can control which specific classes or interfaces are visible to COM by using the [ComVisible] attribute in your code. This allows for fine-grained control over your library’s COM interface.
    • For instance, you might choose to expose only certain key classes while keeping others hidden from COM clients.
  • Defining a COM-Visible Interface:

    • When exposing a .NET class to COM, it’s common to define an interface that describes the methods your class will expose. This interface is then decorated with attributes that control how it interacts with COM.

Creating the COM Interface in Visual Studio

To begin creating your COM interface in Visual Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Add a New Interface:
    • In Visual Studio, right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and select Add > New Item….
    • Choose Interface from the available options. In this example, we’ve named it IEnhancedTextWriter.cs.
    • This interface will define the contract for your COM object, specifying the methods that the COM object will implement.
Adding a New Interface in Visual Studio
  1. Define the COM Interface:
    • Open the newly created interface file and define the methods that will be exposed to COM clients.
    • Apply the [ComVisible(true)] attribute to make the interface visible to COM.
    • Use [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] to allow the interface to be accessed both early-bound and late-bound.
IEnhancedTextWriter Code Example
  • [ComVisible(true)]: Ensures the interface is visible to COM clients.
  • [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]: This attribute allows the interface to be accessed both via early binding (compile-time type checking) and late binding (runtime flexibility via IDispatch).
  1. Generating and Applying a GUID:
    • A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is required to uniquely identify the interface in the registry.
    • Generate a GUID using Visual Studio’s Create GUID tool and apply it to your interface.
    • The GUID will be used to register the interface in the Windows Registry, allowing it to be recognized by COM clients.
Generating a GUID for the Interface
  1. Why Use InterfaceIsDual?
    • Early Binding: This method is generally preferred during development as it provides IntelliSense and compile-time type checking, making it easier to work with the COM object.
    • Late Binding: This method is useful in scenarios where runtime flexibility is crucial, allowing for more dynamic interaction with the COM object without needing to set a reference at compile time.

Implementing the EnhancedTextWriter Class

After defining the IEnhancedTextWriter interface, the next step is to implement this interface in a class. In our example, this class is named EnhancedTextWriter. Here’s a breakdown of what this class does and why certain attributes and settings are used:

EnhancedTextWriter Class Implementation

Key Components of the EnhancedTextWriter Class:

  • [ComVisible(true)]:

    • This attribute ensures that the EnhancedTextWriter class is visible to COM clients, just like the interface. It’s crucial when you want the class to be accessible from environments like VBA.
  • [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]:

    • This attribute is used to specify the type of class interface that will be automatically provided for a COM class.
    • By selecting ClassInterfaceType.None, we are telling the runtime not to generate an interface automatically. Instead, the class explicitly implements the IEnhancedTextWriter interface that we defined earlier. This approach provides more control over the methods exposed to COM clients and avoids potential issues with automatically generated interfaces.
  • [Guid(“33FF6FC9-F461-4578-811D-04BB97BB9B31”)]:

    • Just like the interface, the class also needs a unique GUID. This GUID identifies the class when it’s registered as a COM object. You can generate this GUID using the same method described earlier, using Visual Studio’s “Create GUID” tool.
New GUID for EnhancedTextWriter Class

Implementing the IEnhancedTextWriter Interface:

  • The EnhancedTextWriter class implements the IEnhancedTextWriter interface, meaning it provides concrete implementations for all the methods defined in the interface.

  • public void SaveToFile(string filePath, string text):

    • This method implements the SaveToFile method defined in the IEnhancedTextWriter interface.
    • The method uses System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, text); to save the provided text to a file at the specified path.
    • This simple method highlights how you can create useful functionality in a .NET class and expose it to COM clients like VBA.

Why Use ClassInterfaceType.None?

  • Control: By setting ClassInterfaceType.None, you retain full control over what is exposed to COM clients. This is particularly useful if you want to avoid exposing unwanted or internal members of your class to COM.

  • Clarity: It ensures that only the methods explicitly defined in the interface are exposed, which makes the COM interface cleaner and more predictable for users of the COM object.

This class, EnhancedTextWriter, is now ready to be registered as a COM object and used in VBA, providing a reliable way to save text to files directly from a Word document or any other COM-aware environment. Before moving forward, it’s essential to understand the build settings in Visual Studio, which are crucial for correctly compiling and registering your COM object.

Understanding the Build Settings in Visual Studio

The Build settings in Visual Studio play a critical role in how your project is compiled and prepared for deployment. In the context of creating a COM object, configuring these settings appropriately ensures that your assembly is optimized, debuggable, and properly registered for COM interop. One of the most important settings here is ensuring that the assembly is registered for COM interop, which not only produces the .dll file but also generates the corresponding type library (.tlb file). Here’s a detailed explanation of the Build settings and what each option does in this scenario:

Build Settings in Visual Studio

1. Configuration and Platform

  • Configuration:

    • This dropdown allows you to choose between different build configurations, such as Debug or Release.
    • Active (Debug): In our case, we’re working with the Debug configuration, which includes debugging symbols that make it easier to troubleshoot and step through your code during development. For the final deployment, you would typically switch to Release, which optimizes the code and excludes debugging information.
  • Platform:

    • This dropdown lets you specify the target platform, such as Any CPU, x86, or x64.
    • Active (Any CPU): Selecting Any CPU means that the assembly will run on any architecture, whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. This is often the best choice for COM objects, as it provides the broadest compatibility.

2. General Settings

  • Conditional compilation symbols:

    • These are preprocessor directives that allow you to include or exclude code based on certain conditions.
    • Define DEBUG constant: This is checked by default in the Debug configuration and includes the DEBUG constant in the build, which can be used to include debugging code.
    • Define TRACE constant: This constant is used for tracing code execution, which can be helpful for logging and debugging.
  • Platform target:

    • Determines the CPU architecture the assembly is compiled for.
    • Any CPU: As mentioned, this allows the assembly to run on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
  • Prefer 32-bit:

    • If checked, this option forces the assembly to run as a 32-bit process even on a 64-bit machine. This is typically used when dealing with legacy systems or libraries that are only available in 32-bit.
  • Allow unsafe code:

    • This option enables the use of unsafe code blocks in your project, which allow pointer manipulation and other low-level operations. This is rarely needed in high-level applications like COM objects.
  • Optimize code:

    • Enabling this option optimizes the compiled code, typically used in Release builds to improve performance. In Debug mode, this is usually left unchecked to facilitate easier debugging.

3. Errors and Warnings

  • Warning level:

    • Specifies the level of compiler warnings to be shown.
    • Level 4: This is the highest level, showing all warnings. It’s a good practice to address warnings at this level to ensure your code is robust and free of potential issues.
  • Suppress warnings:

    • Allows you to specify certain warning codes to suppress if they are not relevant to your project.
  • Treat warnings as errors:

    • This setting can be configured to treat compiler warnings as errors, forcing you to resolve them before the build succeeds. This is typically used in strict coding environments to enforce best practices.

4. Output

  • Output path:

    • Specifies where the compiled assembly will be placed.
    • bin\Debug\: In our case, since we’re working with the Debug configuration, the output will be placed in the bin\Debug\ directory. If you switch to Release, it would typically go to bin\Release\.
  • XML documentation file:

    • When checked, this generates an XML file containing documentation comments from your code, which can be useful for API documentation. This is optional and often used for public-facing libraries.
  • Register for COM interop:

    • This is a crucial setting for COM objects. When checked, Visual Studio will automatically register your assembly for COM interop after it is built. This not only produces the .dll file but also generates the corresponding type library (.tlb file), which is essential for making the COM-visible classes and interfaces in your assembly available for use in COM clients like VBA or other COM-aware applications.
  • Generate serialization assembly:

    • This setting controls whether a serialization assembly is generated. The default option is Auto, which lets Visual Studio decide based on the needs of the project. Serialization assemblies are used when serializing objects across application domains or into binary formats.

Advanced Settings

  • Advanced…: Clicking this button provides access to more granular build settings, such as custom pre-build and post-build events, and compiler options. These are generally only modified in complex projects with specific needs.

Why These Settings Matter:

Configuring the build settings properly ensures that your COM object is compiled and registered in a way that’s compatible with the environments where it will be used. For instance, ensuring that “Register for COM interop” is checked is essential not only for producing the .dll file but also for generating the type library (.tlb file), making the assembly available to COM clients. Choosing the correct platform target and configuration helps avoid runtime issues, especially when deploying to different environments.

With the build settings configured correctly, including the crucial step of ensuring that Register for COM interop is checked, your project is almost ready for use as a COM object. However, before we proceed with building the project, there are two more essential steps: signing the assembly and registering it using regasm.

Signing the Assembly

To ensure your assembly can be uniquely identified and properly registered, you need to sign it with a strong name key. This signing process is essential for creating a secure and reliable COM component. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Project Properties:

    • In Visual Studio, right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.
  2. Navigate to the Signing Tab:

    • In the project properties window, click on the Signing tab located on the left-hand side.
  3. Sign the Assembly:

    • Check the box labeled Sign the assembly to enable the signing options.
    • In the Choose a strong name key file dropdown, select <New…> to create a new key file.
Creating a Strong Name Key
  1. Create a Strong Name Key File:

    • In the dialog that appears, name your key file (e.g., EnhancedTextWriter).
    • You can protect the key file with a password if desired, but it’s optional.
    • The default signature algorithm sha256RSA is recommended.
    • Click OK to generate the key file.
  2. Finalize the Signing Process:

    • Ensure the Sign the assembly box is checked.
    • Your strong name key file should now be selected in the dropdown.
Creating a Strong Name Key

Now that the assembly is signed, the next step is to build the project and register the COM object for use in your applications.

Project Setup Before the Build

Before we move on to the build process, let’s take a look at the structure of our project in Visual Studio. This will give you an idea of the components involved and how they are organized.

Initial Project Structure

In the initial setup, our project contains the essential files needed to implement our COM object:

Initial Project Structure

As you can see, we have the following components:

  • EnhancedTextWriter.cs: The main class where our COM object functionality will be implemented.
  • EnhancedTextWriter.snk: The strong name key file used for signing the assembly.
  • IEnhancedTextWriter.cs: The interface that will be exposed to COM clients.

Detailed Project Structure

Before building the project, the structure looks more detailed, with our SaveToFile method implemented in both the EnhancedTextWriter class and the IEnhancedTextWriter interface:

Detailed Project Structure Before Build

This structure shows:

  • The SaveToFile method defined in both the interface and the class.
  • The assembly information file (AssemblyInfo.cs), which contains metadata about the project.

These images give you a clear overview of what your project should look like before proceeding with the build process.

Building and Registering the Assembly with regasm

After signing the assembly, you need to build the project and register it with COM using the regasm tool. This step is essential for making the assembly available to COM clients like VBA. We will also cover how to determine the appropriate version of regasm to use based on your system and how to verify your Office application’s bitness.

1. Build the Project

  1. Configure and Build:

    • Ensure that the “Register for COM Interop” option is checked in your project’s build settings. This ensures that Visual Studio generates the necessary .tlb file along with the .dll.
    • Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select Build or navigate to the Build menu and choose Build Solution. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + B.
  2. Check the Build Output:

    • If the build is successful, you should see output similar to the following in the Build Output window:
Build Output
  1. Verify the Generated Files:
    • Navigate to the bin/Debug folder in your project directory. You should now see three important files:
Generated DLL, TLB, and PDB
  • EnhancedTextWriterLib.dll: This is the compiled Dynamic Link Library file containing the code you’ve written.
  • EnhancedTextWriterLib.tlb: This is the Type Library file, which contains metadata describing the interfaces, methods, and properties exposed by your COM object. This file is essential for allowing VBA to interact with the COM object.
  • EnhancedTextWriterLib.pdb: The Program Debug Database file, which contains debugging information for the assembly. This file is not necessary for COM interop but is useful for debugging purposes.

2. Register the Assembly Using regasm

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator:
    • To ensure proper registration, open a Command Prompt window with administrative privileges.

2. Determine the Correct regasm Version

To ensure that your assembly is registered correctly, you need to use the appropriate version of regasm based on your system and Office installation:

  • For a 64-bit Office installation on a 64-bit Windows system:

    • Use the 64-bit version of regasm, located at:

  • For a 32-bit Office installation on a 64-bit Windows system:

    • Use the 32-bit version of regasm, located at:

  1. Verify the Bitness of Your Office Application:
    • To determine if your Office application is 32-bit or 64-bit, open any Office application (like Word), go to File > Account > About [Application]. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) will be displayed at the top of the About window.
    • Here’s an example screenshot showing the bitness of Microsoft Word:
Verifying Office Bitness
  1. Navigate to the Output Directory:

    • Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where your .dll and .tlb files were generated (e.g., bin\Debug).
  2. Run regasm with /codebase and /tlb:

    • To register the assembly with COM, use the following command:
Successful Registration with Regasm
  • /codebase: Registers the assembly with its specific file location, allowing COM clients to locate it without needing to place it in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
  • /tlb: Generates and registers the type library file, which is required for interaction with COM clients.
  1. Successful Registration:
    • If the registration is successful, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that the types were registered and the type library was exported. This confirms that your assembly is now available for use in VBA or any other COM-aware environment.

Fixing Issues with COM Object Registration and Interface Accessibility

After following the necessary steps to build, sign, and register our assembly for COM interop, we encountered a situation where our intended method, SaveToFile, was not available in the VBA Object Browser. Despite our best efforts, the COM object seemed to expose only generic methods like Equals and ToString, which are typical for .NET objects but not what we intended to use in our VBA client. Here’s how we resolved the issue.

1. The Problem: Method Not Found

When attempting to access the SaveToFile method from our COM object in VBA, we encountered a compile-time error:

Compile-time Error in VBA

Additionally, upon inspecting the object in the VBA Object Browser, we noticed that the methods available were not the ones we expected:

Erroneous Object Browser View

This occurred because the interface IEnhancedTextWriter was not marked as public in our C# code, making it inaccessible to the COM client.

2. Understanding Public vs. Internal Interfaces in C#

In C#, interfaces and classes are internal by default if no access modifier is specified. An internal interface is only accessible within the same assembly, which means that it won’t be exposed to COM clients like VBA. To make the interface accessible, you need to explicitly mark it as public:

Here’s what our updated code looks like:

Updating the Access Modifier in the Interface Code

3. Fixing the Issue: Clean, Rebuild, and Re-register

After updating the interface to be public, the next steps were crucial:

  1. Clean the Solution:

    • In Visual Studio, navigate to the Build menu and select Clean Solution. This removes all compiled files from the previous build.
  2. Rebuild the Project:

    • Right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and select Rebuild. This recompiles the entire project, including our now-public interface.
  3. Re-register the Assembly:

    • After rebuilding, we needed to re-register the assembly using regasm to ensure the changes were reflected in the COM registry:
Re-registering the Assembly with Regasm
  • If successful, the command prompt will confirm that the types were registered and the type library was exported.

4. Adding the COM Object Reference in VBA

Before you can see and use the methods exposed by your COM object in VBA, you must add a reference to the COM object in your VBA project. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Open the VBA editor (press Alt + F11).
  2. Go to Tools > References.
  3. Browse and select your type library file (.tlb), which is generated alongside your .dll during the build process.

Here’s how the successful reference addition should look:

Successfully Added COM Object Reference in VBA

5. The Correct Outcome: Method Now Available

After following the above steps, the SaveToFile method is now correctly displayed in the VBA Object Browser:

Correct Object Browser View

With the method accessible, we can now proceed with further testing, such as exploring the differences between early and late binding in VBA.

Early Binding vs. Late Binding in VBA

Before diving into the tests, it’s essential to understand the difference between early and late binding:

  • Early Binding: This occurs when the object type is known at compile-time. This approach offers IntelliSense and compile-time type checking, which reduces the chances of runtime errors. However, it requires the COM library to be referenced directly in the VBA project.

  • Late Binding: This occurs when the object type is determined at runtime using the CreateObject function in VBA. It offers more flexibility, as it doesn’t require a reference to the COM library at compile-time, but it doesn’t provide IntelliSense or compile-time checking.

Testing Early Binding

  1. Setting up Early Binding:
    • First, you need to add a reference to the EnhancedTextWriter COM object in your VBA project.
    • Open the VBA editor (press Alt + F11), go to Tools > References, and browse for the EnhancedTextWriterLib.tlb file.
    • Once added, you can declare and use the COM object with full IntelliSense support, which makes the development process smoother and reduces the risk of errors.
Early Binding VBA Code Example
  1. Running Early Binding Test:
    • The code provided in the image illustrates how to use early binding in VBA.
    • After executing the code, the specified text will be saved to a .txt file.
Message Box Confirmation for Early Binding Success
  1. Early Binding Output:
    • The output file created via early binding contains the exact text specified in the VBA code. This method leverages the compile-time checks, reducing runtime errors and ensuring that the correct methods and properties are used.
Output File Generated Using Early Binding
  1. File Location Confirmation:
    • The generated file is confirmed to be saved in the expected directory, as shown below:
File Explorer View Showing Early Binding Output

Testing Late Binding

Late binding is a similar process, but with a few key differences:

  1. Setting up Late Binding:
    • Unlike early binding, you don’t need to add a reference to the COM object. Instead, use the CreateObject function in VBA to instantiate the object at runtime.
    • This method provides more flexibility but lacks IntelliSense and compile-time checking.
Late Binding VBA Code Example
  1. Running Late Binding Test:
    • Running the code shown will dynamically create the object and execute the same SaveToFile method.
    • The lack of IntelliSense can make development more challenging, as you won’t have immediate access to method and property suggestions, but it provides more flexibility in how and when the object is created.
Message Box Confirmation for Late Binding Success
  1. Late Binding Output:
    • The resulting output file should be identical to the one generated using early binding. However, since the object was created at runtime, there is a greater emphasis on ensuring that method names and parameters are correctly specified.
Output File Generated Using Late Binding
  1. File Location Confirmation:
    • Similarly, the generated file for late binding is confirmed to be saved in the expected directory:
File Explorer View Showing Late Binding Output

Early Binding Button Click Example

To demonstrate the use of early binding with a button click in a VBA form, we can set up the EarlyBindingButton_Click procedure. This procedure saves the text from a RichTextBox control to a file using early binding. Below are the steps and the corresponding code.

  1. Early Binding Code Implementation:
    • The code snippet below shows how to implement early binding in the button click event. The EnhancedTextWriter COM object is used to save the text to a file.
Early Binding Button Click VBA Code
  1. Execution and Output:
    • Upon clicking the button, the text is successfully saved, and a confirmation message box is displayed:
Message Box Confirmation for Early Binding Button Click
  • The generated file contains the expected content, verifying that the early binding implementation works as intended:
Text Output from Early Binding Button Click

Late Binding Button Click Example

Similarly, we can demonstrate late binding by modifying the code to create the EnhancedTextWriter object at runtime.

  1. Late Binding Code Implementation:
    • The following code snippet shows how to implement late binding in the button click event using the CreateObject function:
Late Binding Button Click VBA Code
  1. Execution and Output:
    • After the button click, the text is saved using late binding, and a message box confirms the successful operation:
Message Box Confirmation for Late Binding Button Click
  • The generated file is consistent with the output from the early binding implementation, indicating that both methods function correctly:
Text Output from Late Binding Button Click

Final Confirmation and File Organization

After executing both early and late binding examples, the generated files can be found in the specified directory. The following image shows the directory structure where the files are stored:

File Explorer View Showing Button Click Outputs

User Interface for Testing

The EnhancedTextWriter form includes buttons for both early and late binding, allowing for easy testing of the two methods. Text from the RichTextBox control can be pasted from external sources (such as Wikipedia) and saved to files for later reference:

Enhanced Text Writer User Form

This concludes our demonstration of early and late binding in VBA, showcasing how both methods can be used to interact with COM objects like the EnhancedTextWriter. By following the steps outlined above, you can implement and test these techniques in your own VBA projects.


In this tutorial, we’ve walked through the entire process of creating, registering, and utilizing a COM object in a VBA environment. We explored both early and late binding techniques, illustrating how they can be effectively employed to interact with COM objects like the EnhancedTextWriter.

If you’re curious about the full implementation or want to follow along with the code, the entire C# package, DOCM file, and corresponding VBA code are available in our GitHub repository. We encourage you to explore the repository, experiment with the code, and integrate these techniques into your own projects.