Updated k-NN Classifier Project: UML Diagrams, Modularized Code, and More!

Enhancements to the k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier Project

We’re excited to announce that our k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier (k-NN-C) project using Python and the Iris Dataset has undergone a significant update! The improvements include new UML sequence and class diagrams, a modularized Python script, and a comprehensive GitHub repository.

Modularized Python Script

We’ve restructured and modularized the original Python script for the k-NN Classifier. This update makes the code more readable, maintainable, and reusable. The modular design enables you to grasp the essential components of the k-NN algorithm and makes it easy to incorporate modifications or enhancements.

UML Sequence and Class Diagrams

To better understand the inner workings of our k-NN Classifier, we’ve created detailed UML sequence and class diagrams. These diagrams provide a visual representation of the interactions between classes and objects, allowing you to grasp the project structure and workflow with ease.

UML Class Diagram

UML Sequence Diagram

Updated GitHub Repository

Our GitHub repository has been updated with the latest improvements, including the modularized Python script and the UML diagrams. Feel free to explore, clone, or fork the repository to experiment with the code, make your own improvements, and learn from the project’s structure.

Access the repository here: Iris k-NN Classifier GitHub Repository

This update aims to provide a clearer understanding of the k-NN Classifier project and encourage further exploration and experimentation with the code. We hope these improvements will be helpful to those interested in learning more about k-NN classifiers and working with the Iris Dataset.

For a more detailed walkthrough of the project, visit the k-NN Classifier Project Page.


We hope these updates provide a more in-depth understanding of the k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier project and inspire you to explore the world of machine learning and classification further. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or experiences related to the k-NN Classifier project, and happy coding!